Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I was on TV once.
With a mask of glass upon my face
My naked greed for all to see.
The pound signs flash green, in my eyes,
And you give me what I want.

Raspy rotten breath quickens
I gasp as I saw you in Heat
my sexual wanderlust exploded at the thought
of a night at the Ivy
my picture in tomorrow’s Metro!

I drink, until I drink no more
Imbibed I am numb, but lust, longing
For this £. Sweet, sacred £.
I worship you o’ £.
I will bow for you, bend over for you, bleed for you.
Sweat glistens my skin
I bare my teeth, sharpen my fangs.
Vampiric for my own soul.
An age of shallow.

1 comment:

  1. Today, I wrote this:

    Had I not been running
    I would have missed it.

    The Sycamore leaves tips
    were dipped in golden honey,
    A wind rose and flittered a few before me.
    Crunching like brittle bones beneath my feet.

    Had I not been running
    I would have missed it.

    The fiery brow of the sun
    as it glimpsed its first glance
    over Primrose Hill and
    the impeccable timing of my arrival.

    Had I not been running
    I would have missed it.

    The uniform squares one by one
    lighting up as if in choreographed dance.
    A dog-walker passes, shopkeeper
    unlocks the shop door.

    Lapsed my new ordinary.
    Until tomorrow morning.

